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Shutter motor trying to close already closed shutter

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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I experienced a serious issue with my 2M dome last night. As part of normal operation, the bad weather configuration closed the shutter. However, the shutter motor did not stop, even after the shutter was closed, causing really loud banging noises (waking up the neighbors!) as the motor tried to still move the shutter! 

Last night I simply cut the power, but now I am trying to investigate what happened, and again, turning on power leads to the shutter motor trying to close an already closed shutter – even though it is already registered as closed (see screenshot).

Right now I have power on the dome, but have disconnected the plug for power to the motor itself, so that it cannot activate.


I would really appreciate some help on what might be happening here, and what can lead to the motor being activated even if the shutter is reported as „closed”



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Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

Please check the wires from the card to Limit Switch Close. It’s also worth manually checking the operation of the Close sensor itself a few times (although the uploaded screenshot shows that the sensor works).

If that doesn’t help, send the card along with the motor and the wires to the motor and limit switch to us for repair.

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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The sensor works, but seems to only work sporadically. I have manually tried to operate both the Close and the Open switch, and they feel very different. 

The Open switch has a distinct clicking sound every time it is moved back or forth, and you can kind of „feel” the click through the switch.

The Close switch sometimes makes the same clicking sound, and in these cases feel like the Open switch. However, sometimes I can move the Close switch with no sound and nothing felt – and in these cases the software reports shutter state „Stopped” even if it is closed. 

It seems plausible, that the close switch is defect.

How do I go about replacing it?

Also, can anything be done to avoid or detect this situation? The motors are so strong that neighbors on the next street woke up from the sound of the motor grinding against the shutter rail, and the entire dome was shaking.

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

You can buy it via our WWW shop:
Limit Switch ScopeDome

one more think, check small inbus screw on limit switch arm.

This post was modified 1 miesiąc temu by admin

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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I’m not sure what the „inbus screw on limit switch arm” is?

In any case, I think I will replace the limit switch, but am still wondering about what additional safety can be put in place. I know there is a timer that stops the motor after 50s, but that does not help because the weather-safety mechanism will just keep activating the motor as long as weather is bad and it does not thing the shutter is closed.

Encoder limits
From what I read in the manual, it sounds like there is an encoder also on the shutter motor. If so, would it be possible to add a safety option, so that the motor cannot be activated to try and move the shutter beyond min/max encoder values?

Redundant limit switches
I am considering if one could add 2 limit switches in serial. Currently there is a LS on the right side of the shutter. If an additional was placed on the left, and cabled so that it was in serial with the other, then I am thinking that as long as just 1 LS activates the connection would be broken and the motor stopped. This way a failure would require both LS’es to be defect, which should be much less likely to ever happen. What do you think?



Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

Look on this picture.

limit switch inbus screw

Encoder for shutter drive is optional, you do not have it.

An additional switch limit can be added. However, in my opinion, it is not necessary. Out of nearly 1000 domes we have produced, this is the second time I have seen any problem with this component. They do not break.

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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Thanks for the picture – I tried the inbus screw, but it does not move. It actually looks like it is rusted, so it may simply be rusted in place.

About the additional switch: I don’t doubt you feel they don’t break – but mine did fail, and the consequences when it fails are potentially big. If my neighbor had not waken me up, I’m pretty sure something would have been broken by morning – the whole dome was shaking from the power of the motor trying to move the already closed shutter. Since a switch only costs a few euro, and all it really takes to make it redundant is one additional switch and a little extra wire I think it would at least be a nice option to be able to purchase. It is less important for the Open switch. The problem here was that even if the motor stopped after 50 seconds, the weather safety mechanism contined to activate the motor again, since it was cloudy and the shutter did not report „closed” – this issue would not happen for the „open” position.

Finally about the encoders. Perhaps you’re right, but looking at the „shutter” tab there is a „Current clk” value for my shutter that shows 103 when fully open as in the first screenshot, and the second screenshot shows it half closed at clk value 48 – so something in the driver must have a counter indicating where the shutter is. Could this not be used to have a safety flag one might enable, that would disallow commands activating the motor to move beyond a min/max interval?

Thanks for you answers,

fully open
half closed


Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

This is a software counter not a hardware (it works on time meashure) – it is only used to show the approximate position of the flap for the ASCOM platform. Cannot be used instead as limit switch. Its value depends on the performance of the windows system and can change.

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

if you want to add additional limit swich here you have diagram:

This post was modified 4 tygodnie temu by admin

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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Thanks – that was also what I had come up with. Except I intend to let the primary LS signal open/close to the card as it does now, and only loop in the secondary LS to get redundancy on the actual disconnect of power to the motor. The open/close signaling from the secondary LS I will be reading with my own arduino or raspberry pi – this way I can tell if the two LS are reporting the same, and thus if either one of them is not functioning properly.

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

In theory, a good idea, but I would advise caution with connecting the same Open/Close sensor – to two different cards (ScopeDome and RospberyPi). This can cause problems. But if you know what you are doing then I don’t see any obstacles.

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Dołączył: 10 miesięcy temu
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So far so good: Now with redundant limit switches installed, that will cut power as long as just one of the switches engage. Works like a charm 🙂

I am currently not using the NO circuit of the secondary limit switch (plug with green tape), so open/close is still only reported by the primary switch. I will establish some kind of independent

Redundant limit switches

readout here, so that I have an indicator of discrepancies between the two switches, indicating that one of them is not working properly.

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37

Perhaps a few words of explanation.

The ScopeDome card from the point has built-in dual flap stop protection:
– one works by interrupting the inverter control signal (this is not the same as cutting off power to the motor)
– the other is a sensor for opening or closing the flap, which also disables the inverter control signal at the card’s firmware level.

Of course, stopping the movement of the flap is only possible if the limit switch itself works properly.
