How to clean and lu…
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How to clean and lubricate the slip ring in the 2M dome

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 37
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How to clean and lubricate the slip ring in the 2M dome

– turn off the power
– remove the motor
– dismantle the inner covers
– clean the slip ring (vertical and horizontal plate) with solvent or extraction gasoline
– clean all sipring rollers with solvent or extraction gasoline
– adjust the horizontal rollers so that they are well pressed against the slip ring plate and the dome rotates freely and does not rub against anything
– Grease the rollers and slip ring plate
– Reinstall the covers and motor
– check if the motor pinion fits tightly to the gear strip around the whole dome circumference

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 8 miesięcy temu
Posty: 27


Étant donné que les slips Ring conduisent le courant (220V sur le dôme 3M en ce qui me concerne), pouvez-vous nous indiquer quel type de graisse est indiquée pour graisser les rouleaux ?




Przemysław Rudź
Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 27

@bill110366 Try somethng like this:

This is a grease with carbon conducting electricity.

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 8 miesięcy temu
Posty: 27

Thanks a lot for Quick replay 😀 

have a Nice evening 


New Member
Dołączył: 3 miesiące temu
Posty: 3

Wysłany przez: @admin

How to clean and lubricate the slip ring in the 2M dome

– turn off the power
– remove the motor
– dismantle the inner covers
– clean the slip ring (vertical and horizontal plate) with solvent or extraction gasoline
– clean all sipring rollers with solvent or extraction gasoline
– adjust the horizontal rollers so that they are well pressed against the slip ring plate and the dome rotates freely and does not rub against anything
– Grease the rollers and slip ring plate
– Reinstall the covers and motor
– check if the motor pinion fits tightly to the gear strip around the whole dome circumference


This procedure is the same in the scope dome 4m?

Thank you.


Przemysław Rudź
Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 27


Yes, you can adapt it to 4M dome but there is no slip ring – there is power contacts. they sould be cleaned as well.
