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Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
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Limit switch troubleshooting:

I found this reading with my Metrix:

A: Open limit switch in rest position:

Wire 1 (Green) and 2 (Brown): closed

Wire 3 (White) and 4 (Yellow ): open


B: Open limit switch in Activated position:

Wire 1 (Green) and 2 (Brown): open

Wire 3 (White) and 4 (Yellow ): closed


C: Close limit switch in rest position:

Wire 1 (Green) and 2 (Brown): closed

Wire 3 (White) and 4 (Yellow ): closed


D: Close limit switch in Activated position:

Wire 1 (Green) and 2 (Brown): open

Wire 3 (White) and 4 (Yellow ): closed


As You can see, there is a difference for wire 3 and 4 between the Open and the Close limit switch:

For the Open limit switch, the 3 and 4 wires are changing status from open in rest, to closed when activated

For the Close limit switch, the 3 and 4 wires remains closed in either Rest or activated position


I have no clue about the wiring sequence of course, but since the wires are exactly the same colors, and connected to the same connectors on the limit switch, 

Is this difference normal between the 2 Switches? Or is this indicating a problem on one of the 2 switches ? 


Just to remind you, At the moment:

The shutter motor is working only to close, not to open.

The Close limit switch is stopping the motor when activated, and showing its status on the Dome box screen in rest (not Lit) and activated (Lit). See picture below

LS Close in closed position


The Open limit switch does not show any status on the Screen in either rest or activated position

Please let me know



Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 41

I think that Close Limit Switch is broken.

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
Topic starter  

Ok, I have not a lot of knowledge on LS, Which one is damaged for you ? The „Close” or the „Open” one?

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 41

Please read my previouse post.

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