Cloud detector seal…
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Cloud detector sealed wire pass through loose

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
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Hello everybody

I (still) keep going with the mounting of my 3m Scopedome. I bought in August last year the electronic kit for the automation, including the Could detector.

I was mounting and securing the

detector this morning and found the wire Pass though seal Bolt to be loose.

IMG 1298

I believe this is from new, since I took the detector out of the box this morning. 

Probably not a big deal to fix, but my question is about if I can remove the top of the detector (with the Snail shape) to gain access inside, or is this cover somewhat sealed or glued?


Thanks for help.


Przemysław Rudź
Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 27

Yes, you can open it and check what is going one there.


Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 41

Please remember to seal box with silicon to prevent water go insaid – it is relly important.

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
Topic starter  

Perfect, Thanks a lot.

Yes I will seal when closing. 

Many thanks for support, have a great day. 

