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Uninterruptable Power Supply

Active Member
Dołączył: 12 miesięcy temu
Posty: 2
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Is there a recommended UPS to use with a ScopeDome3M?  Thanks, Gerald

Przemysław Rudź
Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 27

It should be something like this:


We are not allowed to recommend any UPS that we have not tested.

We can only provide the most important parameters:
The dome must be powered by a UPS with PURE SINUS output voltage. Line Interactive UPS type are the best. The power of the UPS depends on the type of dome:
– for 2M and 3M domes, a 600W UPS is enough.
– for 4M, 55M and Clamshel 3M domes, a power of at least 1200W should be used.

The higher the power of the UPS, the larger the batteries and the longer it will maintain the voltage.

This post was modified 12 miesięcy temu by admin

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