Base Ring connetion…
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Base Ring connetion box Wire

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
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Dear all,

I have another question about the wiring diagram. Specifically, the 230VAC Wiring from the Control box’s to the Rolls of the slip rings. The Cable number 3 and 11 are connected from the control box’s to the slip rings with a 3 wire harness: 1 brown wire, 1 Green wire and, and 1 white wire.

My question is about the drawing (page 20 of the 3M ScopeDome manual ver 3) : It shows a brown L wire, 1 blue wire N (not green), and, ONLY on the cable 11, a white wire PE. 

So I guess my green wires (the one on my real connectors) corresponds to the blue N wire on the drawing ? Am I correct?

Also, where is the white wire from cable 3 supposed to be connected to? I see on the drawing, the white wire on cable 11 connected to the Cog ring (PE), but there is nothing about the one on cable 3. 

Thanks for clarification 

Have a great evening.


Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 41

Do not connect lines N and PE – this is a mistake. All connections in the dome in the PlugAndPlay system always have the same colors, that is, L (Live) – brown, N (Neutral) white, PE (Ground) yellow-green.

The power supply to the dome flap goes through wire no. 3 and 11. Do not connect the PE line in wire no. 3. The PE line is supplied to the flap through the motor housing, gear wheel, gear strip and the connector of wire no 11.

I realize that this is a bit confusing – but there is no other solution.

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
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You say: „Do not connect lines N and PE – this is a mistake” ? I guess you talk only about line PE. I need to connect line N for the neutral. correct?

Member Admin
Dołączył: 1 rok temu
Posty: 41

In this box You need connect L and N Line regards to the diagram.

Eminent Member
Dołączył: 9 miesięcy temu
Posty: 29
Topic starter  

All clear now, 

Many thanks, have a great day.

